Archive for the ‘ Blog ’ Category
Dental Implants: What Should I Believe?
Dental Implants have become commonplace, with over 3 million people worldwide hosting some sort of implant. Unfortunately, their rising popularity has been accompanied by an increasing number of misconceptions about what they can and can’t do. Let us help you to understand which of these common messages are true and which are fabricated. Message #1: […]
Dental Checkups: How Important are they?
We know that for most people, going to the dentist’s office is not high on their list of favorite things to do. A visit to the dentist takes up valuable time in our busy, modern schedules! So we are not surprised that we hear this question time and time again from our patients: “Is going […]
Diabetes and Oral Health – A Two-Way Street
If you, a friend or a family member have diabetes, you may have heard that this common disease increases a person’s risk of gum disease and other oral health problems. But did you know that this relationship is a mutually distressing one? Not only does diabetes make gum disease worse, but gum disease can actually […]
Teeth Nerve Stem Cells Signal New Age of Recovery
Have you ever thought about the possibility of growing new teeth? Of course, when we are younger, this phenomenon does occur, with adult teeth replacing our missing baby teeth. Many scientists and doctors, however, believed it was impossible, or highly unlikely for adults to ever form new teeth. Yet only recently, researchers in Sweden have […]
Dental Implants: Five Things You May Not Know
How much do you know about dental implants? With the increasing popularity and availability of dental implant surgery worldwide, patients are gaining more and more knowledge about dental implants every day. But did you know these five important facts? Dental implants are appropriate for almost all ages. Not just for the elderly, dental implants are […]
The 6 Tips Your Toothbrush Wants to Tell You
You already know how important I am to your oral health. That’s why you brush your teeth for two minutes twice a day. However, are you aware of how much bacteria lives on your toothbrush? Researchers have found that a single toothbrush can have as many as 10 million germs and bacteria! But, don’t let […]
Dental Implants: Changing the Way We Treat Missing Teeth
Dental implants are rapidly becoming the standard of care in how we, as dental professionals, deal with missing teeth. And while the incidents of adults losing permanent teeth has been declining for decades, there is still a good chance that at some point in your life you too will require treatment for a lost permanent […]
What Good Oral Health Means when you are Pregnant
If you are pregnant, you probably already know how important it is to take care of your body during this exciting time. A good, nutritious diet, regular moderate exercise and adequate sleep help protect both your health and the health of your baby. But what you may not already know is how important your oral […]
Considering an Upgrade to Dental Implants?
Have you been thinking of upgrading your current tooth replacement strategy but aren’t sure where to start? This is a great time of growth in modern dentistry, especially when it comes to replacing missing teeth! With the evolution of dental implants, patients don’t have to suffer some of the pains of the past when older, […]
Chomp! Fun Facts about Teeth
As children, we are obsessed with our teeth. Counting them, watching them fall out and grow back in. Waiting for the tooth fairy’s surprise. And as adults, we are still obsessed with them, but maybe in a different way (as in “why do they always hurt and why aren’t they white anymore?”) So just for […]